The Meddler of Halliday Square

Digital, Autodesk Sketchbook and Adobe After Effects

An animated film title sequence for The Meddler of Halliday Square, a fictional film designed and devised by yours truly.

Initial Story Pitch

"Halliday Square is a quiet neighbourhood. It’s not very big or fancy, it’s not really famous for anything in particular and there’s not much to do here. It’s quite forgotten, to the point where it’s regularly omitted from city maps. In fact, many of its citizens move here to lose contact with people and things from their pasts.

If it wasn’t for this one character in particular, nothing would ever happen in Halliday Square. The townspeople have dubbed him The Meddler and whether or not he agrees with the name, he seems to be indifferent to it. Nobody knows his motives because he operates without speaking. The so-called Meddler creeps around, pokes into peoples’ lives, and commits simple acts of mischief. The messes he creates are only inconveniences to clean up at best; the clean-up crews in Halliday Square are grateful for the work he provides, and other citizens look forward to reading the weekly news stories. This positive reaction doesn’t seem to discourage or bother The Meddler at all."

Design Boards

Figuring out the usage of possible audio clips, camera movements, timings for each frame, and what elements to draw in each scene.

Animation Process

Each element was drawn 3 times and looped into gifs to create an animated line boil effect throughout the title sequence. These gifs were then imported into Adobe After Effects and meticulously animated to move along with the pace of the music.

Using Format